Defending Exarcheia: Athens Neighborhood Takes on the Big Guns

Season 5 Episode 3

For years, the Athens neighborhood of Exarcheia Square has been under attack by right-wing politicians. The area, along with nearby Strefi Hill, is a long-standing bastion of political resistance full of cafés, squats, and social centers, and the last remaining free public space in the neighborhood.

Now, the City has begun construction on a metro station without the proper permissions and against the will of the residents – who have taken to the streets in protest. As the people fight to preserve this cultural landmark and the way of life it represents, Fredrik and Leilani sit down with Eva Betavatzi (European Action Coalition), Nikolaos (No Metro in Exarcheia Assembly), and Christina (Defense of Strefi Hill Assembly) to discuss how gentrification is used as a political tool, and the power of a community that pushes back.

Sign the petition to save Exarchia Square

You can learn more about our guests and support their cause using the links below:

  • European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City : Twitter, Facebook 
  • Open assembly for the Defense of Strefi Hill : Twitter, Blog (in Greek)
  • Open assembly "No Metro in Exarcheia Square" : Twitter, Facebook (in Greek)

Learn more about the Strefi Hill area of Athens (in English): 

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