Home Sweet …. EVICTION

WG Film Season 1 Episode 8

You can’t squeeze water out of a stone, and you can’t squeeze money out of people who don’t have any.  

This episode of PUSHBACK Talks focuses on EVICTION: the brutal action taking place across the planet, where millions of people, from India to the US, are being kicked out of their homes, often with nowhere to go. And the threat is only increasing. 40 million Americans are one month away from eviction. Reports from India, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, and the United Kingdom confirm the same pattern.  The Filmmaker and The Advocate share EVICTION stories from the global south as well as developed countries hit by the pandemic. They ask: Where will the evicted live? Are governments doing all they can to help?

Produced by WG Film 
Recorded & Edited by Mikey Jones
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support Team - Louise Gustafsson, Maja Moberg & Melinda Bergstrand

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