Young and Restless: Making Change in Argentina and the World - A conversation with Julieta Perucca, Deputy Director of The Shift.

Season 1 Episode 23

You know her from PUSH as assistant to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing, but she’s come a long way since then! The Filmmaker and The Advocate welcome Julieta Perucca to the show in a warm post–PUSH reunion. She’s now a young leader making change around the world in her own right as the Deputy Director of The Shift. Fredrik and Leilani discuss Julieta's trajectory since the UN days and the important exchange of inspiration between mentors and those they mentor. Julieta and Leilani discuss The Shift’s first (virtual) human rights fact-finding mission to Buenos Aires, where residents are battling forced evictions, predatory mortgages, lack of access to basic services, and homelessness all in the context of crazy inflation rates, gross inequality and the Covid pandemic. Like all good podcasts, this one concludes on a note of optimism with a discussion of how the residents of Buenos Aires are pushing back, mobilizing, organizing and claiming the right to housing even in the most trying circumstances.

Produced by WG Film 
Recorded & Edited by Mikey Jones
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support Team - Louise Gustafsson, Maja Moberg & Melinda Bergstrand

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