Shame on Spain Making Solidarity a Crime - Putting Activists who Fight Evictions Behind Bars

Season 2 Episode 20

On 28 June 2021, Jaime Palomera, a tenants union leader in  Barcelona and two tenants were brought to trial by the Public Prosecutor and now face three years imprisonment. Their crime?  Peacefully and successfully protesting violations of the tenants’ right to housing including exorbitant rent increases and uninhabitable housing conditions. 

 Dr. Zaida Muxi Martinez; architect, city planner, and author joins the Filmmaker and the Advocate this week to discuss the clampdown on activism in Spain, echoes of its dark past.  The trio discuss the political power held by the richest families in Spain who dominate the real estate market and their ability to shut down threats to their power such as the successful tenant's movement headed by Palomera.  How is it possible that Spain, a country in the European Union can so blatantly infringe the right to peaceful assembly and protest? Is Spain an outlier or is this a global pattern?

See: The Shift's Letter of Concern sent to the Government of Spain. 

Produced by WG Film 
Recorded & Edited by Mikey Jones
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support - Maja Moberg

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