Cities are becoming increasingly unliveable for most people. Costs are rising but incomes are not. Sky-high rents, evictions, homelessness, and substandard housing are common realities for urban dwellers across the planet. There is a global housing crisis. How did this basic human right get so lost? Who is pushing people out of their homes and cities, and what’s being done to pushback?
On the heels of the release of the award-winning documentary, PUSH, filmmaker, Fredrik Gertten and Leilani Farha, the former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing, have reconvened. Join the filmmaker and the advocate as they reflect on their experiences making PUSH and exchange ideas and stories about the film's central issue: the financialization of housing and its fall-out.
For more about PUSH and to view it: www.pushthefilm.com
For more about Fredrik Gertten and his other films: www.wgfilm.com
For more about Leilani Farha in her new role, Global Director of The Shift: www.make-the-shift.org
Berlin PUSHED back - How a Grassroots Movement Took On the Corporate Landlords
In a landmark vote, 56.4% of Berliners backed a referendum for city government to take over ownership of approximately 240,000 apartments from corporate landlords. A groundbreaking referendum with incredible results has put all politicians in Germany at all levels on notice: the corporatization of housing is no longer acceptable. The question now - what happens next? Will the Mayor of Berlin develop legislation to implement the spirit of the referendum? Fredrik & Leilani sit down with Joanna Kusiak, Cambridge University researcher and spokesperson of the DWE campaign, to discuss how they deployed Constitutional law to bring about radical change and what role imaginations play in bringing about revolution.
Produced by WG Film
Edited by Alexander Jemtrell
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support - Kirsten McRae, Maja Moberg & Aune Nuyttens