People, Not Rubbish: Fighting Land Corruption in Zimbabwe

Season 3 Episode 5

Zimbabwe has a long and complex history of forced eviction, displacement, and demolition. Operation Move the Rubbish, a large-scale Zimbabwean government campaign to forcibly clear slum areas across the country, saw an estimated 700,000 people displaced, with millions more indirectly impacted. The country also struggles with land corruption; Zimbabwe scored 24 out of 100 on the 2020 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, with public officials in the country being considered among the most corrupt.  

But the people are working hard to change that. This year the federal government passed the Zimbabwe National Human Settlement Policy, a massively comprehensive policy aiming to address housing inadequacy, informal settlements, forced evictions, affordability, corruption, and more. This groundbreaking policy that is more than two years in the making identifies housing as a human right in Zimbabwe and sets big housing goals for the government.

Fredrik and Leilani have a conversation with Francis Mukora, the Research, Advocacy & Communications Coordinator at Community Alliance for Human Settlements in Zimbabwe (CAHSZ) about the work it took to create such a sweeping policy, what it will take for proper implementation, and the work that remains to be done.

Produced by WG Film
Edited by Alexander Jemtrell & Aune Nuyttens
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support - Kirsten McRae, Maja Moberg & Aune Nuyttens

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